Face transplant - Mayo Clinic (2024)


A face transplant may be a treatment option for some people with severe damage to their faces or a visible difference in the appearance of their faces. A face transplant replaces all or part of the face with donor tissue from someone who has died.

A face transplant is a complex operation that takes months of planning and multiple surgical teams. The procedure is performed in only a few transplant centers worldwide. Each face transplant candidate is carefully evaluated to help ensure the best possible results in appearance and function.

A face transplant may enhance your life, but it is a high-risk procedure. You and your transplant team can't predict exactly how you will look and how your immune system will respond to the new face. You'll need to take special medications (immunosuppressants) for the rest of your life to reduce the risk of your body rejecting the transplanted face.

Why it's done

A face transplant is performed to try to improve the quality of life for someone who has experienced severe trauma, burns, disease or birth defects that affected his or her face. It is intended to enhance both appearance and functional abilities, such as chewing, swallowing, talking and breathing through the nose. Some people seek this surgery to reduce the social isolation they experience while living with visible differences in their faces.


A face transplant is a challenging procedure. It's fairly new and very complex. Since the first face transplant in 2005, more than 40 people are known to have undergone the surgery, ranging in age from 19 to 60. Several have died because of an infection or rejection.

Complications can result from:

  • The surgery
  • The body's rejection of the transplant tissue
  • Side effects of immunosuppressant drugs

Further surgeries or hospital visits may be needed to treat complications.

Surgical risks

A face transplant is a complicated and lengthy procedure. You could be in surgery for 10 or more hours. Surgical and post-surgical risks can be life-threatening. They include blood loss, blood clots and infection.

Rejection risks

Your body's immune system may reject the new face and other donor tissues. You could lose part or all of your new face and some function.

You may experience more than one episode of rejection. To control a rejection response, you may need to go to the hospital for an intensive IV dose of anti-rejection drugs. Your health care practitioner may switch the type of anti-rejection drugs you take. Rarely, tissue rejection requires a new transplantation. Rejection that isn't controlled could cause death.

You'll need to learn the symptoms of rejection so that you can take timely and appropriate action. They include swelling and a change in the color of your skin.

Immunosuppressant risks

The anti-rejection drugs (immunosuppressants) you'll need to take daily for the rest of your life will weaken your immune system. This helps prevent tissue rejection, but it also puts you at risk of a variety of infections. Immunosuppressant drugs are also linked to an increased risk of kidney damage, cancer, diabetes and other serious conditions.

How you prepare

Evaluating whether to have a face transplant

Before you receive a face transplant, reflect on these questions:

  • Have you weighed the risks of receiving a face transplant?
  • Can you be fully committed to intense, lifelong follow-up care?
  • What benefits do you hope to gain from this surgery?
  • Have you tried or talked with your health care providers about other treatment options, such as a facial prosthesis or conventional facial reconstruction?

You'll be evaluated by a transplant team. Candidates must:

  • Have severe damage or changes to the face
  • Have a loss of facial function, such as chewing or talking
  • Undergo a comprehensive exam that may include X-rays, CT and MRI scans, blood tests, and other measures of physical health
  • Undergo an evaluation of mental and emotional health, coping skills, family and social support, expectations, communication skills, and ability to manage post-transplant care
  • Have no history of chronic nerve conditions
  • Not be pregnant
  • Have no serious medical problems, such as diabetes, heart disease or untreated cancer
  • Have had no recent infections
  • Be nonsmokers
  • Not abuse alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Complete a financial evaluation of post-transplant care expenses with a member of the transplant team

Getting ready for your face transplant

Once you're approved for a face transplant, you'll be placed on a waiting list for a donor face. When matching you with a donor face for a transplant, surgeons consider:

  • Blood type
  • Tissue type
  • Skin color
  • Comparable ages of donor and recipient
  • Compatible facial size of donor and recipient

Your wait time can be unpredictable because it's usually not known when a donor face that matches your needs will become available.

In the meantime, you can prepare by:

  • Undergoing pre-surgery evaluations. You'll need to visit the transplant center periodically so that your transplant team can do blood tests and evaluate whether you're ready for a transplant.
  • Arranging for travel and lodging. Your transplant team will ask you to stay at a location that allows you to arrive at the hospital within a short time once you are contacted about your transplant date. After your surgery, you'll likely be asked to stay near your transplant center for 2 to 3 months. Your transplant team may have recommendations for long-term lodging if you need it.
  • Staying in touch with your transplant team. Let your transplant team know immediately if you have any changes to your medical care, such as starting new medications, having a blood transfusion or receiving a diagnosis of a chronic medical condition.

What you can expect

During surgery

The extent and length of your surgery depends on how much of the face and its underlying structures are involved. Your surgical team may transplant various tissues from the donor, such as skin, fat, muscles, tendons, cartilage, bone, nerves and blood vessels.

The transplant will take 10 to 30 hours. Your surgical team will include plastic surgeons highly skilled in microsurgery and craniofacial surgery, anesthesiologists, ophthalmologists, surgical nurses, surgical technicians, imaging experts, and others.

After surgery

After surgery, you'll likely spend 4 to 8 weeks in the hospital. During this time, you will:

  • Be fed through a tube
  • Begin taking your daily doses of immunosuppressant drugs to prevent your body from rejecting the transplanted tissue
  • Be given medications to manage pain
  • Begin physical therapy and speech therapy, as you are able

Your transplant team — including physicians, a transplant coordinator, social worker, therapist, pharmacists, dietitians and others — will work with you to develop a post-surgery treatment plan and provide the care you need.


Your daily post-surgical routine will include taking immunosuppressant medications and managing the side effects. These drugs can help stop your immune system from rejecting the donor face.

You can decrease the risk of rejection and medication side effects by:

  • Committing to regularly taking immunosuppressant medications for the rest of your life unless directed to stop by a health care provider
  • Making regular appointments with your transplant team for blood tests and checkups
  • Contacting your transplant team or your health care provider if you notice that you're becoming ill with an infection or tissue rejection


You and your transplant team can't know for sure what the results of your surgery will be. Each previous face transplant recipient has had different experiences with the post-surgical appearance and function.

Most face transplant recipients experienced improved ability to smell, eat, drink, talk, smile and make other facial expressions. Some regained the ability to feel a light touch on the face. Because this surgical technique is still fairly new, the long-term results for face transplant recipients are yet to be determined.

Your results will be affected by:

  • The extent of the operation
  • Your body's response to the new tissue
  • Nonphysical aspects of your recovery, such as your emotional and psychological response to living with a new face

You will increase your chance of a positive outcome by carefully following your post-transplant care plan and seeking the support of friends, family and your transplant team.

Clinical trials

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By Mayo Clinic Staff

Jan. 11, 2024

Face transplant - Mayo Clinic (2024)


What is the success rate of face transplants? ›

The survival rate for a face transplant is about 89%.

Has anyone ever had a full face transplant? ›

The team of more than 30 physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists and residents worked for more than 15 hours to replace the facial area of patient Dallas Wiens, including the nose, lips, facial skin, muscles of facial animation and the nerves that power them and provide sensation.

Can a face transplant really be done? ›

A face transplant is a challenging procedure. It's fairly new and very complex. Since the first face transplant in 2005, more than 40 people are known to have undergone the surgery, ranging in age from 19 to 60. Several have died because of an infection or rejection.

What are the disadvantages of face transplant? ›

Like all surgical procedures, face transplant surgery comes with some risks for complications. Some of these risks are associated with the surgical procedure itself, such as infection, bleeding, and blood clots. Other complications may include: Rejection of the transplanted tissue.

What is the mortality rate for face transplant? ›

Overall survival rate was 88%. No early graft loss due to technical failure was reported. All reported cases that have more than 1-year follow-up had at least 1 acute rejection episode, which was reversible with treatment. Opportunistic infections and metabolic complications were observed as adverse effects.

Who is the youngest face transplant now? ›

At 18, Katie Stubblefield lost her face. At 21, she became the youngest person in the U.S. to undergo the still experimental surgery. Follow her incredible story.

What happened to Katie Stubblefield's face? ›

Stubblefield was just 18 when she put the barrel of her brother's . 308-caliber hunting rifle below her chin and pulled the trigger. She survived, but the injury resulted in the loss of her face. On the right, we see Stubblefield in National Geographic with her new face, one year and one month after her 2017 surgery.

Do face transplants age? ›

Face transplants can transform the lives of patients who need and get them, but doctors who have done several now say they have started to notice a troubling trend: patients are losing bone and muscle in their faces. It looks like accelerated aging, causing the face to sag, a team led by Dr.

How long does a full face transplant take? ›

Facial transplant surgery typically takes 12-36 hours, depending on how much and which parts of the face need to be restored. After surgery, you will be placed in a surgical intensive care unit (SICU) for about one week.

Can a blind person see again with an eye transplant? ›

Over 70,000 people in the U.S. donate their eyes after death each year. Yet only parts of the eye, most commonly the front surface or cornea, are currently able to be used for transplantation. As a result, the millions of people blinded by conditions of their retina and optic nerve have no options for improvement.

Why can't eyes be transplanted? ›

The transplanted eye can't send signals to the brain through the optic nerve. That is why it is not currently possible to restore vision with a whole eye transplant.

Is the first face transplant still alive? ›

Connie Culp, the first face-transplant recipient in the United States, has died, according to the Cleveland Clinic, which performed the surgery.

Why do transplants not last forever? ›

While transplanted organs can last the rest of your life, many don't. Some of the reasons may be beyond your control: Low-grade inflammation from the transplant could wear on the organ, or a persisting disease or condition could do to the new organ what it did to the previous one.

What is the most difficult transplant operation? ›

Lungs are the most difficult organ to transplant because they are highly susceptible to infections in the late stages of the donor's life. They can sustain damage during the process of recovering them from the donor or collapse after surgeons begin to ventilate them after transplant.

When was the first successful face transplant? ›

France. The world's first partial face transplant on a living human was carried out on 27 November 2005 by Bernard Devauchelle, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Benoit Lengelé, a Belgian plastic surgeon, and Jean-Michel Dubernard in Amiens, France.

Which transplant has highest success rate? ›

Adult kidney transplantation is perhaps the greatest success among all the procedures; more than 270,000 initial transplantations have been performed since 1970.

What percentage of transplants fail? ›

Summary: One third of organ transplants are lost to transplant rejection. Although acute transplant rejection responds relatively well to steroids, chronic rejection (which is mainly mediated by antibodies) has no effective treatment.

Does a transplanted face age? ›

Researchers followed three face transplant recipients for 36 months to see how their faces held up over time. The researchers reported a significant decrease in facial volume that resembled aging, however it was a reduction in volume of bone and muscle, rather than facial fat or skin thickness seen in normal aging.


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