D Pharma - Subjects & Syllabus Overview (2024)


The ER-2020 D.Pharm Syllabus has the following structure in every course. Though the theory and practical courses are not mutually exclusive, as per the Regulations, the theory and practical are to be considered as individual courses.

Scope: These are broader statements on the purpose of the course in the curriculum, key contents of the course that will contribute to the specific knowledge and or skill developments. The teacher is expected to orient the students about the scope of the particular course at the beginning and intermittently.

Course Objectives: The course objectives describe the key topics that are intended by the teacher to be covered in the course. In general, these are more specific than the scope and broader than the course outcomes. The teacher is expected to discuss the objectives of the course with the students and break-down the course objectives into micro levels as objectives of a specific topic / objectives of a specific lecture, etc. Such an exercise shall make the students to understand the significance of the course / topic / lecture and enhance their attention on the course / topic / lecture.

Course Outcomes: The course outcomes are more specific than the course objectives describe that describe the abilities of the students to perform/act, upon successful completion of the course. Hence, conventionally the course outcomes are described with verbs that are measurable or observable actions. The teacher is expected to describe the desired outcomes of the particular course, so that the students shall understand the various assessment criteria, modalities, and parameters. This also serves as a broader guideline for the teachers for preparing the assessment plan. A well-structured assessment plan associated with the course outcomes shall enable to mapping with the professional competencies and their attainment levels that are attributed to the program outcomes.

Theory Courses: The theory courses basically provide concepts and explain the relationships between the concepts. Understanding of the theoretical courses enable the students to identify the problems in real life situation and make a plan for addressing such problems. Also, the theory course helps to understand what is not known and thus is the tool for accumulation of knowledge. The syllabus of the theory courses has been systematically and logically described as different chapters and the minimum number of hours to be spent on teaching are mentioned chapter wise and course wise. The teachers shall further distribute the total hours of any given chapter among the sub-topics as required by the subject matter.

Practical Courses: The practical courses are designed for applying the theoretical knowledge in the given experimental / simulated conditions. The practical courses deepen the understanding of theories, develop the skills, hone professional competencies, provide opportunities to observe, think and analyse problem solving methods. Further, they help to gain experience with the real things in practice. The teachers shall train the students in actual / simulated practical conditions.

Tutorials: The purpose of the tutorial hour is typically to engage the students in smaller groups in order to pay a closer attention on their learning process. This is an opportunity for the students to complete their assignments, develop specific skills, discuss any problems in the study topics in a less formal way. During the tutorial hour, the students shall exchange their ideas within the small group, and learn to accept constructive criticism and listen to others. Also, the tutorial hour enables the teachers to closely monitor the progress of the individual student and provide additional academic support to individuals, if necessary.

Assignments: The purpose the assignments are to encourage the students for self- directed learning. Further, the assignments will provoke critical thinking, enhance the skills such as literature search, data mining, data interpretation, report formatting, time-management, and written communication. This is also a mode of self- assessment for the student about the level of understanding of the concepts of a particular course. The teachers shall apply their knowledge and wisdom in choosing the assignment topics at a micro level in alignment with the topics given in the syllabus. The assignments shall be evaluated against a set of criteria. A typical format for the assessment of an assignment is given in Appendix -1.

Field Visits: The purpose of field visits is to provide a real-world experience to the students. The field visits will help them to realize that what they learn within the walls of the classroom / laboratory can help them solve the problems they see in the world around them. Also, this is helpful to the teachers to widen their horizons of knowledge and broadening the scope of the syllabus. Every student shall submit a report describing their objectives, experience, learning points, etc. pertaining to the field trip, in the typical format given in Appendix-2.

Recommended Books: For each course, a list of recommended books is given in the syllabus. The list shall be considered as an important and common resource for the teaching-learning process, but not the complete list. It is always encouraged to use the latest edition of the books specified. Further, the teachers and students are encouraged to explore more primary, secondary, and tertiary resources as required.

Practical Training: The goal of the practical training for the students is to provide a real-time, supervised experience on the professional tasks emphasised in their course of study. Further, it helps them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in the professional working environment. The practical training intensively prepares the students with adequate competencies and qualifications required for the career opportunity in the future.

Thus, the ER 2020 D.Pharm syllabus is designed to nurture the students in all the three domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy viz. cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychom*otor (skills). Further, it also provides ample of scope to the students for different learning styles viz. visual, auditory and kinaesthetic, i.e., ‘see, hear and do’.

D Pharma - Subjects & Syllabus Overview (2024)


What are the hardest subjects in pharmacy? ›

However, some students might find Medicinal Chemistry or Pharmacology as the toughest subjects, due to the complex nature of drug interaction, formulation and development. These subjects often necessitate a robust understanding of other subjects such as biology and chemistry.

Which subject is best for D pharmacy? ›

Diploma in Pharmacy (D Pharmacy) Course Eligibility Criteria

Students must have taken Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as required subjects. The candidate must receive an overall grade point average of at least 50%.

What is the most important subject in pharmacy? ›

Some of the most important topics in pharmacy are: Pharmaceutics: It is the study of medicine design, formulation, and development. Pharmaceutical Chemistry: The study of the chemical composition, characteristics, and production of medications is known as pharmaceutical chemistry.

How many books are in D pharmacy? ›

Set Of 5 Books For 1st Year D. pharmacy As Per New PCI Syllabus [Human Anatomy &Physiology, Pharmaceutics, Social pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry]

Which year of pharmacy is the hardest? ›

This marks the halfway point through pharmacy school - we're almost there! The third year of pharmacy school has the most difficult classes by far.

Is pharmacy more difficult than nursing? ›

as a pharmacist, pharmacy school is considered harder. Although you need commitment for both options, studying to become a pharmacist is characterized by a more intense workload and a longer duration. In addition, the cost of education is way higher than that of nursing.

What is the highest paying Pharm D job? ›

High Paying Pharmacist Jobs
  • Chief Pharmacist. Salary range: $137,500-$166,500 per year. ...
  • Pharmacy Consultant. Salary range: $104,000-$163,500 per year. ...
  • Pharmacometrician. Salary range: $140,500-$162,500 per year. ...
  • Hospital Pharmacist. ...
  • Pharmaceutical Physician. ...
  • Registered Pharmacist. ...
  • Inpatient Pharmacist. ...
  • Long Term Care Pharmacist.

Which job is best after D Pharmacy? ›

Private Job Opportunities After D.Pharm
Job ProfileAverage Annual Salary (in ₹)
Pharmacist2.2-6.5 LPA
Medical Transcriptionist2.5-4.5 LPA
Pathological Lab Scientist2.5-5 LPA
Analytical Chemist4-8LPA
1 more row
Mar 6, 2024

Which pharmacy degree is best? ›

The PharmD degree is the better choice for a career in pharmacy. The PharmD degree is a professional degree that prepares graduates to become practising pharmacists. The BSPharm is a pre-professional degree that prepares graduates to enter a PharmD program.

What do most pharmacy students major in? ›

Bachelor's Degree – What to Major In

Other favorable and common majors for pharmacy school include biology, chemistry, physics, and math. Like most undergraduate programs, these degrees typically take four years to complete.

What is a pharmacist degree called? ›

The Doctor of Pharmacy degree (often abbreviated Pharm. D. or PharmD) is required to sit for the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). The NAPLEX is one component of the licensure process required to practice as a pharmacist. The Pharm.

Is Pharm D harder than MD? ›

From our personal experience, medical school is more intense in difficulty than pharmacy school. The volume of information is greater for medical school, and there are required national tests during school that students have to take which adds stress (STEP 1 during the Summer after the second year of school).

What are the subjects in D Pharma 2nd year? ›

D Pharmacy 2nd Year Subjects. In the second year of D Pharma, there are six subjects. These subjects are Pharmaceutics-II, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Drug Store and Business Management, and Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy.

What are the subjects in pharmacy first year? ›

B Pharmacy subjects in the 1st year are Human Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Pathophysiology, Computer Applications in Pharmacy etc.

What is the most difficult thing to being a pharmacist? ›

I would say that one of the most challenging things is being ready for a very extensive learning process to prepare yourself to be ready for your patients. You will be tested and learning your entire career as pharmacy is a critical part of the healthcare process for patients.

Which is the most difficult subject in medicine? ›

Pathology. Pathology is often considered one of the most challenging classes in medical school due to its dense material covering diseases and their mechanisms.

Which are the most difficult subject? ›

Let's dive right in, and look at why these courses are the hardest degree subjects.
  • Psychology. ...
  • Statistics. ...
  • Nursing. ...
  • Physics. ...
  • Astrophysics. ...
  • Biomedical Engineering. ...
  • Astronomy. ...
  • Dentistry.

What makes pharmacy difficult? ›

Academic Rigor:

Intense coursework: Expect to delve deep into sciences alongside therapeutics, drug interactions, and disease states. Not to mention hands-on training. Committing to memorization and comprehension is crucial. Time commitment: Be prepared for long hours studying, attending lectures, and completing labs.


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