7 Tips for Long-Term Investing (2024)

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Investing is a long game. Whether you want to invest for retirement or grow your savings, when you put money to work in markets it’s best to set it and forget it.

Successful long-term investing isn’t as simple as just throwing money at the stock market—here are seven tips to help you get a handle on long-term investing.


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1. Get Your Finances in Order

Before you can invest for the long term, you need to know how much money you have to invest. That means getting your finances in order.

“Just like a doctor wouldn’t write you a prescription without diagnosing you first, an investment portfolio shouldn’t be recommended until a client has gone through a comprehensive financial planning process,” says Taylor Schulte, a San Diego-based certified financial planner (CFP) and host of the Stay Wealthy Podcast.

Start by taking stock of your assets and debts, setting up a reasonable debt management plan and understanding how much you need to fully stock an emergency fund. Tackling these financial tasks first ensures that you’ll be able to put funds into long-term investments and not need to pull money out again for a while.

Withdrawing funds early from long-term investments undercuts your goals, may force you to sell at a loss and can have potentially expensive tax implications.

2. Know Your Time Horizon

Everyone has different investing goals: retirement, paying for your children’s college education, building up a home down payment.

No matter what the goal, the key to all long-term investing is understanding your time horizon, or how many years before you need the money. Typically, long-term investing means five years or more, but there’s no firm definition. By understanding when you need the funds you’re investing, you will have a better sense of appropriate investments to choose and how much risk you should take on.

For example, Derenda King, a CFPwith Urban Wealth Management in El Segundo, Calif., suggests that if someone is investing in a college fund for a child who is 18 years away from being a student, they can afford to take on more risk. “They may be able to invest more aggressively because their portfolio has more time to recover from market volatility,” she says.

3. Pick a Strategy and Stick with It

Once you’ve established your investing goals and time horizon, choose an investing strategy and stick with it. It may even be helpful to break your overall time horizon into narrower segments to guide your choice of asset allocation.

Stacy Francis, president and CEO of Francis Financial in New York City, divvies long-term investing into three different buckets, based on the target date of your goal: five to 15 years away, 15 to 30 years away and more than 30 years away. The shortest timeline should be the most conservatively invested with, Francis suggests, a portfolio of 50% to 60% in stocks and the rest in bonds. The most aggressive could go up to 85% to 90% stocks.

“It’s great to have guidelines,” Francis says. “But realistically, you have to do what’s right for you.” It’s especially important to choose a portfolio of assets you’re comfortable with, so that you can be sure to stick with your strategy, no matter what.

“When there is a market downturn, there’s a lot of fear and anxiety as you see your portfolio tank,” Francis says. “But selling at that time and locking in losses is the worst thing you can do.”

4. Understand Investing Risks

To avoid knee-jerk reactions to market dips, be sure you know the risks inherent in investing in different assets before you buy them.

Stocks are typically considered riskier investments than bonds, for instance. That’s why Francis suggests trimming your stock allocation as you approach your goal. This way you can lock in some of your gains as you reach your deadline.

But even within the category of stocks, some investments are riskier than others. For example, U.S. stocks are thought to be safer than stocks from countries with still-developing economies because of the usually greater economic and political uncertainties in those regions.

Bonds can be less risky, but they’re not 100% safe. For example, corporate bonds are only as secure as the issuer’s bottom line. If the firm goes bankrupt, it may not be able to repay its debts, and bondholders would have to take the loss. To minimize this default risk, you should stick with investing in bonds from companies with high credit ratings.

Assessing risk is not always as simple as looking at credit ratings, however. Investors must also consider their own risk tolerance, or how much risk they’re able to stomach.

“It includes being able to watch the value of one’s investments going up and down without it impacting their ability to sleep at night,” King says. Even highly rated companies and bonds can underperform at certain points in time.

5. Diversify Well for Successful Long-Term Investing

Spreading your portfolio across a variety of assets allows you to hedge your bets and boost the odds you’re holding a winner at any given time over your long investing timeframe. “We don’t want two or more investments that are highly correlated and moving in the same direction,” Schulte says. “We want our investments to move in different directions, the definition of diversification.

Your asset allocation likely starts with a mix of stocks and bonds, but diversifying drills deeper than that. Within the stock portion of your portfolio, you may consider the following types of investments, among others:

  • Large-company stocks, or large-cap stocks, are shares of companies that typically have a total market capitalization of more than $10 billion.
  • Mid-company stocks, or mid-cap stocks, are shares of companies with market caps between $2 billion and $10 billion.
  • Small-company stocks, or small-cap stocks, are shares of companies with market caps below $2 billion.
  • Growth stocks are shares of companies that are experiencing frothy gains in profits or revenues.
  • Value stocks are shares that are priced below what analysts (or you) determine to be the true worth of a company, usually as reflected in a low price-to-earnings or price-to-book ratio.

Stocks may be classified as a combination of the above, blending size and investing style. You might, for example, have large-value stocks or small-growth stocks. The greater mix of different types of investments you have, generally speaking, the greater your odds for positive long-term returns.

Diversification via Mutual Funds and ETFs

To boost your diversification, you may choose to invest in funds instead of individual stocks and bonds. Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) allow you to easily build a well-diversified portfolio with exposure to hundreds or thousands of individual stocks and bonds.

“To have true broad exposure, you need to own a whole lot of individual stocks, and for most individuals, they don’t necessarily have the amount of money to be able to do that,” Francis says. “So one of the most wonderful ways that you can get that diversification is through mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.” That’s why most experts, including the likes of Warren Buffett, recommend average people invest in index funds that provide cheap, broad exposure to hundreds of companies’ stocks.

6. Mind the Costs of Investing

Investing costs can eat into your gains and feed into your losses. When you invest, you generally have two main fees to keep in mind: the expense ratio of the funds you invest in and any management fees advisors charge. In the past, you also had to pay for trading fees each time you bought individual stocks, ETFs or mutual funds, but these are much less common now.

Fund Expense Ratios

When it comes to investing in mutual funds and ETFs, you have to pay an annual expense ratio, which is what it costs to run a fund each year. These are usually expressed as a percentage of the total assets you hold with a fund.

Schulte suggests seeking investments with expense ratios below 0.25% a year. Some funds might also add sales charges (also called front-end or back-end loads, depending on whether they’re charged when you buy or sell), surrender charges (if you sell before a specified timeframe) or both. If you’re looking to invest with low-cost index funds, you can generally avoid these kinds of fees.

Financial Advisory Fees

If you receive advice on your financial and investment decisions, you may incur more charges. Financial advisors, who can offer in-depth guidance on a range of money matters, often charge an annual management fee, expressed as a percentage of the value of the assets you hold with them. This is typically 1% to 2% a year.

Robo-advisors are a more affordable option, at 0% to 0.25% of the assets they hold for you, but they tend to offer a more limited number of services and investment options.


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Long-Term Impact of Fees

Though any of these investing costs might seem small independently, they compound immensely over time.

Consider if you invested $100,000 over 20 years. Assuming a 4% annual return, paying 1% in annual fees leaves you with almost $30,000 less than if you’d kept your costs down to 0.25% in annual fees, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If you’d been able to leave that sum invested, with the same 4% annual return, you’d have earned an extra $12,000, meaning you would have over $40,000 more with the lower cost investments.

7. Review Your Strategy Regularly

Even though you’ve committed to sticking with your investing strategy, you still need to check in periodically and make adjustments. Francis and her team of analysts do an in-depth review of their clients’ portfolios and their underlying assets on a quarterly basis. You can do the same with your portfolio. While you may not need to check in quarterly if you’re passively investing in index funds, most advisors recommend at least an annual check in.

When you check up on your portfolio, you want to make sure your allocations are still on target. In hot markets, stocks might quickly outgrow their intended portion of your portfolio, for example, and need to be pared back. If you don’t update your holdings, you might end up taking on more (or less) risk with your money than you intend, which carries risks of its own. That’s why regular rebalancing is an important part of sticking with your strategy.

You might also double-check your holdings to ensure they’re still performing as expected. Francis recently discovered a bond fund in some clients’ portfolios that had veered from its stated investment objective and boosted returns by investing in junk bonds (which have the lowest credit ratings, making them the riskiest of bonds). That was more risk than they were looking for in their bond allocation, so she dumped it.

Look for changes in your own situation, too. “A financial plan is a living breathing document,” Schulte says. “Things can change quickly in a client’s life, so it’s important to have those review meetings periodically to be sure a change in their situation doesn’t prompt a change with how their money is being invested.”

The Final Word on Long-Term Investing

Overall, investing is all about focusing on your financial goals and ignoring the busybody nature of the markets and the media that covers them. That means buying and holding for the long haul, regardless of any news that might move you to try and time the market.

“If you are thinking short term, the next 12 months or 24 months, I don’t think that’s investing. That would be trading,” says Vid Ponnapalli, a CFP and owner of Unique Financial Advisors and Tax Consultants in Holmdel, N.J. “There is only one way of investing, and that is long term.”

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7 Tips for Long-Term Investing (2024)


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The 7-Year Rule for investing is a guideline suggesting that an investment can potentially grow significantly over a period of 7 years. This rule is based on the historical performance of investments and the principle of compound interest.

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What Is a 70/30 Portfolio? A 70/30 portfolio is an investment portfolio where 70% of investment capital is allocated to stocks and 30% to fixed-income securities, primarily bonds.

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It suggests that 10% of your portfolio should be allocated to high-risk, high-reward investments, 5% to medium-risk investments, and 3% to low-risk investments. By following this rule, you can spread your investment risk across different asset classes and investment types, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash.

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Held-to-Maturity Investments. Bonds and notes that an investor intends to hold until maturity. Long-Term investments. Any investment that does not meet the criteria of a short-term investment; any investment that the investor expects to hold longer than a year or that is not readily marketable.

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They are: (1) Use specialist products; (2) Diversify manager research risk; (3) Diversify investment styles; and, (4) Rebalance to asset mix policy. All boringly straightforward and logical.

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Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule.

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“The first rule of investment is don't lose. The second rule of investment is don't forget the first rule.” Buffett famously said the above in a television interview.

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In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

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The 80/20 budget is a simpler version of it. Using the 80/20 budgeting method, 80% of your income goes toward monthly expenses and spending, while the other 20% goes toward savings and investments. Of course, the 80/20 budget rule won't work for everyone.

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The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

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The mutual fund 15x15x15 rule simply put means invest INR 15000 every month for 15 years in a stock that can offer an interest rate of 15% on an annual basis, then your investment will amount to INR 1,00,26,601/- after 15 years.

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Even though the rule of 72 isn't a perfect formula for calculating your investment performance, it can help you with investment planning. That's because you can use the rule as a guide when defining realistic financial goals and choosing investments that match your risk tolerance.

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Key Takeaways

A long-term investment is an account a company plans to keep for at least a year such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash. The account appears on the asset side of a company's balance sheet. Long-term investors are generally willing to take on more risk for higher rewards.

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What are Long-Term Investments? Long-term investments are assets that an individual or company intends to hold for a period of more than three years. Instruments facilitating long-term investments include stocks, real estate, cash, etc.

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The 10 best long-term investments. Growth stocks. Stock funds. Bond funds. Dividend stocks.

Is 7% annual return realistic? ›

In short, the average stock market return since the S&P 500's inception in 1926 through 2018 is approximately 10-11%. When adjusted for inflation, it's closer to about 7%. [Since we're talking citations in this post: Investopedia.]

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General ROI: A positive ROI is generally considered good, with a normal ROI of 5-7% often seen as a reasonable expectation. However, a strong general ROI is something greater than 10%. Return on Stocks: On average, a ROI of 7% after inflation is often considered good, based on the historical returns of the market.

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The 7 Percent Rule is a foundational guideline for retirees, suggesting that they should only withdraw upto 7% of their initial retirement savings every year to cover living expenses. This strategy is often associated with the “4% Rule,” which suggests a 4% withdrawal rate.

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So where the 8% rule differs from the 4% rule is that it's focused on passive income yield, not on selling anything. So if you had a portfolio of passive income investments valued around $2 million, and they were averaging about an 8% annualized yield, you would have 160,000 per year in income to live on.


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